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Onward Together

Join us in this exciting next step!

"They set out at the LORD's command......." Numbers 10:13


God has begun a mighty movement among our church family. We are on a path of growth, both in numbers and discipleship. To better achieve our potential, we are going to spend the next two months with increased focus on our building so that we can be better positioned to spend the next decade on our church family and community. Onward Together is a campaign that invites and asks our church family to pray, serve, worship, and give together in order to free up resources, improve our facility, and better serve our members and our community through mission and ministry in the coming years. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for your invitation and opportunity to join your church family and God in this exciting next step!

Update - June 13, 2024

Faith Promise

  1. Scan the QR code below to make a Faith Promise, or click this link.
  2. Turn in your Faith Promise card to one of the Offering boxes in hallway outside the Worship Center.
  3. Click here to give online.

Onward Together Weekly Emails

Onward Together FAQs

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is this for? Onward Together is a three year endeavor for the whole of our church family to pray together, worship together, give together, and dream together. The offering will go towards a pre-payment on our debt refinance (due June, 2024), repaving the parking lot, and a new sound system in the Worship Center.

Who is this for? These three responsibilities, when met, will impact not only our church membership, but the larger GBC family including Agape/Space/Quest and the many outside community groups that call our building home.

When do I turn in my Faith Promise card? These can be submitted at any time, but we will have a specific time to bring them forward during worship on Sunday, November 19. If you have submitted your Faith Promise card early or online, you will also have a way to participate in the offering time on November 19.

What do I do with my Prayer Tent? Place it somewhere prominent for you and/or your household to keep this campaign in the regular rhythm of your prayer life.

When is my contribution due? Your Faith Promise is for a 3 year period. You can do this all at once, or spread it out through the end of 2026.

Is this in place of my regular tithe/offering? No, this is in addition to your current giving. Prayer is the first request, and additional giving as you are led by the Spirit and able.

Can I give in alternate ways other than a check/cash? Yes! There are a host of options including stocks, bonds, property, and more. We encourage you to speak with your financial advisor or contact Michelle Sindelar ( in the church office to learn more.

Onward Together Leadership Teams

Prayer and Spiritual Life Action Team Leader: Kandra Brummett and Larry Belcher

The leader will recruit a team to plan and lead a prayer emphasis for the campaign. This could include but is not limited to; a prayer vigil, Sunday or weekly times for specific prayer for the campaign, Cottage Prayer meetings in members' homes, etc. The team will also prepare and distribute Prayer Tents (a table top prayer reminder for each home participating in the campaign).

Focus on Mission Fellowship Action Team Leaders: Mike Brumagin

This leader will recruit a team to plan and lead several Advance Commitment Fellowships. These are informal gatherings in members' homes where the vision of the Campaign is shared by the Pastor and the CSS consultant and those present are asked to pray about providing their Commitment two weeks prior to the Vision Event.

Communications Team Leader: Claire McAuliffe and Michelle Sindelar

This leader recruits and leads a team that will be responsible for developing a communication plan and schedule, in conjunction with the Pastor.

Campaign Leader and the Action Team: Glen Young and Scott Johnson

Leaders that will heighten awareness and provide needed information to the congregation. They will lead in the developing of a theme and logo for the campaign and will oversee and ensure production of printed material such as newsletters, Campaign brochure, bulletin boards and any email, and web-based communication.

Vision Event Team Leader: Marcia Barber

This leader recruits and leads a team to plan the Vision Event. This is a meal and program to celebrate the vision and mission of the Church and how the Campaign will further that mission. This event is not a fund-raising event. Attendees will be asked to use the remaining two weeks of the campaign to pray and make their commitment to be shared with the church on Celebration Sunday.

Churchwide Commitment Team Leader: Thomas Sprouse

This leader recruits a team to plan and direct a churchwide commitment effort. The team will work with the Vision Event Team to prepare packets to be shared at the event and then enlist volunteers to take packets to anyone in the church that was not able to attend but would like to know about the exciting season in the life of the church between the Vision Event and Celebration Sunday.

Support Team Leader: Melissa Strong and Anne Hill

This leader will enlist a team and various groups in the church to assemble, label and prepare various materials to be mailed and distributed to the Church family.

Follow-up Team Leaders: Eric Perkins

This leader will recruit a team that will keep the Goals and Progress of the Campaign in front of the church during the 3 year pay-in period. New members will be told about the Campaign and invited to participate if they like, regular updates on the giving will be shared. This teams' work begins after Celebration Sunday and concludes at the end of the 3 year commitment period.


Timing and Length

  • Primary Emphasis/Timing: October - November, 2023
  • Length: Three (3) Year Faith Committment

Requests of Church Family

  • Prayer, support, encouragement, leadership, energy